Owners and Operators of commercial properties are facing increasing pressure to improve the environmental performance of their facilities and reduce the amount of energy they consume. This pressure is coming from a number of market drivers:

  • Increasing energy costs, especially for coal fired electricity;
  • Increasing levels of legislation with the introduction of Mandatory Disclosure for Commercial Buildings;
  • Increasing tenants demands with all Government tenants now requiring a minimum NABERS Star rating for leased space;
  • Increasing evidence that buildings with high NABERS Ratings will have a greater return on investment, lower tenancy churn rate and increased capital value.

Hirotec can tailor and monitor a program specifically for each customer and each facility to meet performance requirements such as:

  • Identification of energy conservation measures;
  • A designated NABERS Star rating to meet leasing obligations;
  • Advice and assistance in obtaining any available funding;
  • Meeting internal corporate objectives to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions;
  • Correctly positioning a building in a tight competitive leasing market;
  • Energy Performance Contracts;
  • Maintenance regimes enhancing energy efficiency;
  • Monitoring and verification through “Energy Connect”.


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