Owners and operators of commercial properties face increasing pressure to improve the energy management related costs of their facilities.

In response Hirotec provides owners and operators of commercial properties with a whole-of-asset lifecycle and building energy management solution.

Our Energy Model Process for Energy Management

Our unique Energy Model Process (EMP) has been developed to enable Hirotec to establish a total cost of ownership and complete lifecycle approach to facilities energy management for our customers. This integrated approach is underpinned by sustainable building practices set down by bodies such as Green Building Council, National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS), LEED and Building Code of Australia (Section J).

3 Key Objectives of Energy Management

The Hirotec EMP has been developed to assist our customers in achieving three key objectives 

1. Improving and maintaining building conditions

2. Reducing maintenance costs of a buildings energy services

3. Reduction of energy costs including power bill, water bills and gas bills

Our energy management reports detail potential areas for energy saving, investment required and payback periods (in time and dollars) and the path required to achieve these outcomes. 

Working together to deliver Energy Management improvements

Our three-stage collaborative approach ensures we work together with our customers to deliver real energy management improvements.

1. Goal formulation

Based on our environmental scan and investigations we use our Energy Model Canvas (EMC) to determine the current energy profile (as is) and then develop a preferred energy profile via a strategic facilitation workshop with your key stakeholders.

2. Energy Management strategy execution

We now have a clearly articulated set of expected and desired outcomes for the period. These goals are loaded into Hirotec's Energy Connect web portal along with supporting actions and plans. We are on the way to achieving our short term and long term goals/milestones.

3. Feedback and control

We can now measure specific energy management actions, each of which are owned by individuals. Every 30-90 days we meet with you to review achievements against goals. We review “what worked” and “what didn’t work” and the results are fed back into the Energy Connect system and new goals are set for the next 30-90 day cycle.

Integrated Strategic Energy Management Plan

Integrated Strategic Energy Management Plan

Our integrated approach to energy facilitation and performance improvement encompasses complete asset planning. Typical examples of our integrated strategic energy management plan milestones and projects include:

  • Energy audits and establishment of conservation measures
  • Energy efficiency control strategies with programmed BMS interface – plant optimisation
  • Regulatory compliance - BEEC and NABERS rating
  • Electricity tariff selection and advice on peak demand control
  • Monitoring and verification through Envizi software
  • High efficiency lamp replacements and daylight harvesting
  • Power factor correction selection of energy saving products including variable speed drives etc
  • Thermal imaging and heat tracing for power consuming equipmen
  • Smart metering – power, water, gas and HVAC supply
  • Specialised energy technicians – building recommissioning and fine-tuning
  • Tailoring of preventative maintenance strategies to maximise energy efficiency
  • EPCs (Energy Performance Contracts)
  • Energy services maintenance


Envizi is a global, cloud-based software platform that refines complex energy management and sustainability data into powerful insights that can help businesses drive energy efficiency and profitability while driving improved environmental outcomes.

The system monitors energy usage on individual plant items and provides alarms if the set parameters are breached, even if the item is still operating.

System features:

  • Automated push report via HTML email
  • Uses expected profiles as the basis for monitoring energy drift
  • Tablet based login access for technicians
  • Home page of customisable widgets
  • Percentage defined threshold alerts and alarms
  • Source data is interval meter Day+1
  • Facilitate regular meetings with technicians to share best practices
  • Work with client management to implement best practice across the portfolio
  • Monitor and adjust alarm thresholds
  • Track performance against expected energy profile via push reporting (HTML email)
  • Drill-down to load profile dashboards
  • Power Factor monitoring
  • Analyse data to identify recurring or systematic patterns and opportunities

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Hirotec provides owners and operators of commercial properties with a whole-of-asset lifecycle and building energy management solution

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