Hirotec wins MIGAS Large Host Employer of the Year

11 Jun 2013


On Friday evening on the 12th April a very successful MIGAS NSW/Victorian Awards night was held. The night was held in recognition of the hard work of the apprentices and trainees and their host companies throughout the year of 2012.

MIGAS also celebrated their 25th anniversary of Group Training and “people who make a difference”, thanking those who have been part of their success.  Silver and black balloons printed with the specially designed 25 year symbol, coupled with red, black and silver floral centerpieces carried the theme throughout.

The prestigious awards night was held at Wests in Newcastle suburb of New Lambton and was hosted by marketing and radio guru Damian Botha, with entertainment provided by comedian Willy Doodrop and the Ship ‘O’ Fools.

Hirotec were successful with the award for “Large Host Employer of the Year” and Ershad Barak Sari  (2nd Year Mechanical apprentice) was nominated for “Apprentice of the year”.

“The gravity of the awards is than just an award, it aligns with our strategic milestone of have the ‘Best Talent and knowledge that are passionate about what they do” said Alan Dunn CEO of Hirotec.

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